UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development for Business and Real Estate

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The UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are more than simply another framework. Companies and the real estate industry can use the 17 SDGs to promote growth, attract resources, and focus on purpose. The UN SDGs can act as a powerful tool in shifting the conversation to the bigger picture.

Organisations and businesses may use this to convey their influence to stakeholders while also testing their own primary goals. The SDGs provide an outside reviewed and scientific set of trackable standards around which everyone may work.

Now, it's more crucial than ever to be a purpose-driven company with a connection to something bigger than yourself.

We have developed an online course to provide you the resources to get started on your journey to make a positive impact.

Sign up for our "UN Sustainable Development Goals" course and you will learn the following:

- UN Sustainable Development Goals

- Background of UNSDGs

- The 17 SDGs

- How Companies are Tackling UNSDGs

- How are the SDGs relevant to business

- How are companies adapting UNSDGs

- What challenges are companies facing

- How Real Estate Firms are Tackling the UN SDGs

- How Companies are Leveraging Their Data to Respond to The UN SDGs

- What Data and Analytics Mean to Sustainability

- How SDGs and Data Can Be Part of Business Strategy

- Big Data for Big Impact

What You Will Learn!

  • UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Background of UN SDGs
  • The 17 SDGs
  • How Companies are Tackling UNSDGs
  • How are the SDGs relevant to business
  • How are companies adapting UNSDGs
  • What challenges are companies facing
  • How Real Estate Firms are Tackling the UN SDGs
  • How Companies are Leveraging Their Data to Respond to The UN SDGs
  • What Data and Analytics Mean to Sustainability
  • How SDGs and Data Can Be Part of Business Strategy
  • Big Data for Big Impact

Who Should Attend!

  • Business professionals and real estate professionals who want to understand more about sustainability and the UN SDGs.
  • Anyone who is interested in learning more about the world's environmental, political, and economic challenges.
  • Anyone with an interest in development and sustainability.