Understand The Future You: Know Your Where

Understand how you can gain clarity on your ideal future and how you can implement strategies to stay on your path.

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Course Preview:

Join us on the path of SELF-DISCOVERY and SELF-DEVELOPMENT. Challenge yourself to take steps in the right direction and to become active around your personal development. If you want your life to change, then you need to start with your direction, your idea of the future you. Now let me tell you what this course is about.

Course Information:

Each module deals with ONE TOPIC that we will break down and gain awareness of. At the end of each part, there will be SHORT PRACTICAL EXERCISES. The practical exercises always start with a prompt for you to become MORE CONSCIOUS of the day's topic. This will usually take you around FIVE MINUTES to complete. Then there will be another prompt about what EXPERIENCES to create in the days to come. These experiences will NOT be difficult to achieve but are EXTREMELY important, they are PARAMOUNT. You can do this course as slow or as quick as you want, but I recommend leaving 3 to 7 days between the topics.

These are the five modules of this course:

Become Independent / Utilize Money / Have Expectations / Notice Motivations / Understand Impermanence.


The goal for this course is for you to mature, develop and be able to create a happy and content life. By understanding the paths to reach your goals, you will be able to take the first steps in the right direction.

Become Independent

-Learn how to choose wisely who you follow.

-Do not rely on people you shouldn't rely on.

-Become the master of your own life.

Utilize Money

-The value of spending resources on your health.

-Understanding your value chain.

-Learn how to mature in a healthy way.

Have Expectations

-Create expectations that serve you.

-Find out what kind of expectations make you fall behind.

-Understand why you build expectations in the first place.

Notice Motivations

-Understand why you are doing the things you do.

-Learn how to fuel your motivation.

-Accept that every action from any person has a conscious or subconscious objective.

Understand Impermanence

-Understand that truly nothing stays the same.

-You are not stuck, and that change is inevitable

-Trust your journey and your path.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to choose wisely who you follow.
  • Learn how to mature in a healthy way.
  • Understand why you build expectations in the first place.
  • Accept that every action from any person has a conscious or subconscious objective.
  • Understand that truly nothing stays the same.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to understand themselves and their future selves better.