Unity遊戲特效教學與實例製作(Particle System) - 從基礎到中級

透過詳細講解粒子系統以及多達10個案例,讓你徹底了解Unity遊戲特效製作(Explain Unity Particle system through examples)

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00

Unity遊戲特效教學與實例製作(Particle System) - 從基礎到中級


本課程將詳細講解Unity Particle System的每一個區塊





This course will explain each block of Unity Particle System in detail

And explain up to 10 cases, using special effects commonly used in RPG games as examples.

Let you thoroughly understand Unity game special effects production

Suitable for people who want to get started with Unity special effects and understand the actual production methods in the game industry

(All videos have Chinese audio and Chinese and English subtitles)

What You Will Learn!

  • 了解Unity Particle System的各項功能(Learn about the features of Unity Particle System)
  • 參與Unity Particle System的特效製作(Participate in VFX production of Unity Particle System)
  • 透過實際案例學習Unity遊戲特效(Learn Unity VFX through actual cases)
  • 了解特效製作須注意的色彩,動態,疊加等知識(Understand the knowledge of VFX color, dynamics, superposition, etc.)

Who Should Attend!

  • 對遊戲特效感興趣的Unity開發人員(Unity developers interested in game VFX)
  • VFX Beginner