Learn Data Visualization and Become Data Analyst

Learn art and science of data visualization in 7 simple steps with real world examples.

Ratings: 4.25 / 5.00


Decision makers who run our world and corporations use data effectively, to give them clarity to take relevant and fast decisions.

Data is considered to be the new currency and in order to use it properly, we need to know how to visualize it effectively.Great visualization is difficult because they consist of a good mix of science and art.

  • In this course, you will learn the process of data visualization in simple and effective 7-step approach.
  • You will understand how to start a visualization project on a right note.
  • You will be able to categorize and characterize types of visualization to simplify decision-making steps in the process.
  • You will see in details, how to work with a real world visualization usecase.
  • You will learn how to have an UX-centric approach in the design phase of data visualization.
  • You will learn how to use wireframing tools to build your data visualization design for the usecase.
  • And finally, you will come to know how to use D3 to bring design to real life.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the art and science of data visualization in 2 hrs or money back !
  • Learn the process of data visualization with real world usecase.
  • Learn and get ready to work on data visualization and analytics project.
  • Learn how to build UX centric design for data visualization using wireframing tools.
  • Learn how to characterise data visualization according to outcome.
  • Learn how bring your visualization design to real life using D3.

Who Should Attend!

  • You should take this course if you want to work on data visualization projects.
  • You should take this course if you want to work as a project manager in data visualization project .
  • You should take this course if you want to work as a business analyst or stakeholders in data visualization project .
  • You should take this course if want to develop an analytics application for your business.
  • You should take this course if you are an IT/Computer Science Graduate Students and University Students.