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Hello my name is Tyler Monroe and In this course I will teach you how to take a new or used computer and or VM Hypervisor and turn it into a custom DIY network firewall that can compete with the big name vendors! Not only will your custom firewall be endlessly  more flexible than the various commercial alternatives but you will also have the satisfaction of saying you built that from scratch with your own brain and your own two hands!

You will pick up great skills along the way that will also apply to network servers and other computer networks and components. Applicable to job openings such as Network Admin, Network Engineer, IT Help Desk and NOC Tech.

Feel free to learn more about me at my website.

Hope to see you in my course and best of luck in all your personal and professional endeavors!

A little about OpenBSD!

The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. As an example of the effect OpenBSD has, the popular OpenSSH software comes from OpenBSD.

OpenBSD is freely available from our download sites.

OpenBSD is developed entirely by volunteers. The project's development environment and developer events are funded through contributions collected by The OpenBSD Foundation. Contributions ensure that OpenBSD will remain a vibrant and free operating system.

What You Will Learn!

  • Computer Networking Essentials
  • How to turn OpenBSD into a Layer 3 Router
  • How to turn OpenBSD into a Layer 3 and 4 Network Firewall
  • How to use OpenBSD to create a high availability pair of Network Firewalls

Who Should Attend!

  • Computer Hobbyists, Network Administrators, Network Engineers. Free Software Enthusiasts.