
开源的远程办公解决方案/Open source remote office solution

1、使用eve仿真模拟/Use eve simulation

2、搭建pptp/l2tp/openvpn,并进行整合/Use eve simulation to build pptp/l2tp/openvpn and integrate it

3、使用cli进行账号的维护/Use cli to maintain accounts

4、使用iptabes进行用户权限的管理/Use iptables to manage user permissions

What You Will Learn!

  • 远程办公的解决方案规划设计思路--Planning and design ideas of remote office solutions
  • eve-ng的使用,飞塔防火墙作为企业网出口设备的模拟--Use of eve-ng, simulation of Feita firewall as the exit device of enterprise network
  • VPN的搭建,包括PPTP,L2TP/IPSEC,OPENVPN--VPN construction, including PPTP, L2TP/IPSEC, OPENVPN
  • 使用python将以上三种VPN进行统一整合--Use python to uniformly integrate the above three VPNs
  • 使用cli进行账号的维护/Use cli to maintain accounts

Who Should Attend!

  • 网络工程师,企业网络运维人员,eve-ng的使用人员,python初学者。--Network engineer, enterprise network operation and maintenance personnel, eve-ng user, python beginner.