WebRTC Practical Course. Build Video Chat With React

Learn WebRTC by creating React application with direct and group calls.

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WebRTC Practical Course. Build Video Chat With React


Learn WebRTC by creating project with React. We will go through all of the steps to create application with direct and group calls. We will write own WebRTC implementation for direct calls and we will use PeerJs for group calls to show how easily you can develop webRTC application. Only basic knowledge of React and Javascript is required. We will use also SocketIO as our signaling server for our application. After this course you will be able to create own application which will be using WebRTC. It does not matter if that will be the realtime communication game or video chat. You will now the process how to establish connection between two peers and more.

In our application we will use:

  • WebRTC

  • JavaScript

  • SocketIO

  • Express.js

  • Node.js

  • React

  • Redux

We will keep React application simple and we will focus on things related with webRTC. Also you will get an knowledge how you can use SocketIO as your webSocket server.

App creating proccess:

  • Prepare environment

  • Build frontend of our application in React

  • Connect with SocketIO

  • Add our own WebRTC implementation for direct calls

  • Create group calls with Peer.js (library to make WebRTC implementation easier in small apps)

  • Add chat functionality to show how WebRTC data channels work

I hope you will enjoy the course and after finishing it you will feel confident to start preparing and adjusting your own WebRTC implementation.

What You Will Learn!

  • Create own WebRTC implementation for video calls
  • Add WebRTC data channels to exchange data
  • Create video chat app in React
  • How to switch to screen sharing in ongoing call
  • How to create group call video chat
  • How to create group call app with PeerJS

Who Should Attend!

  • Programmers and students which wants to learn WebRTC and how it can be connected with React