Museum Education: Wellbeing in Museums Masterclass

Wellness Through Art. A Case Study

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Thanks for joining me to this Case Study Showcase Masterclass about Wellness Through Art, one of my latest wellbeing and creativity projects. This is a masterclass version of the workshop that I organised for the Creativity and Wellbeing week 2023, a festival organised in partnership between London Arts in Health Forum and the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance.

Wellness Through Art is a 8-week project implemented at an independent charity with a dynamic space for art and events, which hosts a collection of local artists to Hampstead dating from 18th Century but with a special emphasis on 20th Century artists. It is located in Hampstead just of the west edge of Hampstead Heath, and it ran from mid September through to mid November 2022.

In this masterclass you will understand how some wellbeing principles like mindfulness and breathing exercises were applied in this museum and how they were used to draw inspiration from the collection to make insightful art pieces. The masterclass consists in the following parts:

- An introduction where I explain the context in which this project was developed

- The theory in which this project was based. This consists in a mixture of psychology and therapeutic art principles.

- The outlines of the project

- An explanation of a series of practical activities with the opportunity to take part in two of them

- The outcomes of the project

What You Will Learn!

  • Define the role of wellbeing in museums
  • Learn a range of wellbeing practices through a study case
  • Understand the benefits of introducing wellbeing in your museum
  • Learn to make connections between wellbeing and museum items

Who Should Attend!

  • Museum educators who want to introduce wellbeing in their practice.