What is Enterprise Architecture, and why do we need it?

A simple and straightforward introduction explaining what Enterprise Architecture is, from a leading EA expert

Ratings: 3.82 / 5.00

What is Enterprise Architecture, and why do we need it?


There are plenty of other courses that explain what is Enterprise Architecture. This one is different - because the course tutor is someone who has been at the leading edge of Enterprise Architecture since 1984, so he really knows his stuff and knows how to explain it simply and clearly.

This course will:

  • Give you a clear and simple explanation of what enterprise architecture is
  • It is aimed at anyone studying to become an enterprise architect, anyone planning to use enterprise architecture, and anyone who is just plain curious to know what enterprise architecture is all about
  • The course is not too long, and not too short; and it's well structured so it's easy to dip into and come back to if you need more information

What You Will Learn!

  • Explain what Enterprise Architecture is
  • Understand what it means to "architect" an enterprise
  • Decide whether they want to become an Enterprise Architect
  • Describe the key things that distinguish Enterprise Architecture from other disciplines
  • Understand some of the popular misconceptions about Enterprise Architecture

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for students who want a simple and straightforward introduction to Enterprise Architecture.
  • You will benefit from this course if you want to become an Enterprise Architect, or you are training as an architect.
  • The course will be useful to you if you are working in an enterprise using Enterprise Architecture, and you want a better understanding of what this means.
  • You will also find the course useful if you need to explain Enterprise Architecture to colleagues or clients.