Why am I still single? The answer(s) may surprise you!

You may not know the answer but this course will show you the ten reasons why. And it may not even be your fault!

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Why am I still single? is a question you may ask yourself.

You may not know the answer or what the reason is, but this course will show you ten of the reasons why. And some of the reasons you are still single may not even be your fault, so don't blame yourself. It  could be who you are dating.

Finding love is a challenge today. Too busy with work, or find meeting eligible members of the same or opposite sex is not as easy as it was.

Convinced there are no good ways to meet people is one of the biggest myths around.

Stuck with a 'dead end' lover and how to break free of this relationship.

How to avoid 'commitment phobics'

Do you want love but wonder if you might be better off alone

Why are you still single and what do you plan to do about it?

This course outlines ten essential steps to help you design your own plan of action and change your approach to dating and love.

1 Examine your uncertainty (do you want to meet someone, but then you are not totally sure)

2 The dreaded statistics ( the pool of people available for you to date)

3 The myth or lie that there are no good ways to meet people

4 Keep your standards high, don't settle for 2nd best!

5 Learning to stay no! and when to walk away from relationship

6 Pseudo intimacy and the real thing. When your partner is faking it!

7 Avoiding commitment phobics, you will never tie them down to a relationship

8 The intimacy gap and when you are left still wanting

9 Learning to say yes! and making that commitment

10 Increasing your self esteem so you put your best self out there  

Skills are taught in many areas of life, for example, work skills, parenting skills, but skills in finding an intimate relationship are not. This course outlines ten essential steps to help you change your approach to dating and finding love

The aim of this course is for you to find the reasons why you are still single and then to devise a strategy and a plan of action to find your path to happiness and love with your ideal partner.


What You Will Learn!

  • This course outlines ten essential steps to help you change your approach to dating and finding love
  • Examine reasons for you currently being single and it may not even be your fault but who you are dating.
  • Why you need to be clear about what type of partner you want to meet
  • Why it is a myth or lie that there are no good places to meet people
  • What is Pseudo Intimacy compared to the real thing. When your partner is faking it!
  • How to avoid commitment phobics, you will never tie them down to a relationship
  • How to keep your self esteem high whilst looking for your romantic partner so you put your best self out there
  • What is fake intimacy, compared to the real deal. And how to know if your partner is faking it!
  • Do you really believe there are no good places to meet people?
  • How to avoid commitment phobics because they are wasting your time
  • Keep your self esteem high and stay positive

Who Should Attend!

  • Are you wanting help to change your approach to dating and finding love
  • Have you had some difficulties in the past and want to gain clarity about what happened in that relationship
  • Do you keep dating or attracting the same type of person and things don't work out