All about XPath and CSS Selectors for Automation Testing

XPATH & CSS SELECTORS for Selenium WebDriver, Locators by ID/Class, HTML, Selector Hub, Relative Xpath Finder

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Basic to Advance XPath and CSS Selectors Master Classes.

Locators by ID/Class/Name + XPATH + CSS SELECTORS + HTML + XML + Selector Hub+Relative Xpath Finder + Selenium WebDriver

This course covers all the topics you need to learn XPath & CSS Selector without having any prior knowledge of any programming language, tool or extensions.

While starting as new automation tester or even after having knowledge of automation tools (selenium Web Driver, Cypress, Playwright etc.) , This is the most challenging part in automation that how to locate any element if it is changing its attribute value each time or complexity in getting unique locator of element or it has complex structure or any reason..

This Course includes all the solution of these problems.

Concepts covered with live examples-

  • Locating Elements By Class, ID, Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text

  • Hands on Exercises on Locaters with live examples

  • XPath - Basics & Advanced

  • XPath - Handling Dynamic elements

  • XPath Axes (Element Relationships)

  • CSS Selectors - Basics

  • CSS Selectors - Advanced (Child and Sibling nodes)

  • Chrome Extensions to create Locators - Selector Hub, Relative XPath finder etc.

  • Use of Browser's Developer tool to inspect and validate the elements locator

  • HTML DOM Structure Basics

  • XML basics

Do a Hands-on exercises after taking each sessions in this course. Please feel free to contact me for any query.

All The Best and Happy learning!

What You Will Learn!

  • Creating Xpath locators for all type of elements including Dynamic elements, Relative elements
  • Creating CSS Selector locators for all type of elements including Dynamic elements, Child/Sibling elements
  • Basic & Advance concepts of Xpath & Advance CSS Selector
  • Able to work in Automation tools including Selenium Web driver, Cypress, Playwright
  • Basics of HTML & XML
  • How to Inspect Element and read HTML DOM for elements details and attributes
  • How to validate Xpath & CSS Selector on console (developer tool)
  • Using XPath and CSS in Selenium WebDriver Scripts
  • Using General locators. like ID, Class etc.
  • Live Examples of several web sites for relevant examples
  • Available browser's extensions and tools to get Xpath & CSS Selector locators
  • Element Locating Strategies
  • Selector Hub, Relative XPath finder and more..

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Automation Tester
  • Automation tester wants to learn advance concepts to create XPath & CSS Selectors
  • Software developer or Software tester who wants to learn XPath & CSS Selector
  • Manual Testing Professionals