王思迅-易經開門課-下篇 (繁中字幕)-屯、蒙、需、訟、師、比 六卦詳解

易經-古中國哲學五經之一 "The Book of Changes" aka Yijing, the hexagram words, images and lines-New interpretation

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00


王思迅先生於台灣-台北創辦「樂易講堂」,他浸淫《易經》40年,講學十餘載。思迅先生現任大雁出版基地編輯總監與如果出版總編輯。2022年出版著作《易經白話講座》,也是台灣音頻課程平台 [孜孜線上聽] 長居銷售榜首的講者。於南華大學哲學研究所畢業且榮獲南華大學傑出校友,曾任玄奘大學生命倫理學課程講師、城邦果實出版總編輯,擔任2002年《劍橋哲學辭典》中文版主編。 本課程於2022年末期間授課實況錄影,經思迅先生授權製作為影音線上課。於Udemy推出線上課程,旨為服務海外華人學習易經。

"Le Yi Lecture Hall" was founded by Mr. Wang Sixun. Mr. Sixun is currently the editorial director of Dayan Publishing Base and the editor-in-chief of Asif Publishing. The book "Book of Changes Vernacular Lectures" published in 2022.

Immersed in Yijing, aka "Book of Changes" for 40 years, and has taught lectures for 10 years. He talked about "Book of Changes" starting with divination, archaeological results, oracle bone inscriptions, combined with his understanding of the history of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and put forward a new interpretation of "Book of Changes" that fits life. It does not quote the scriptures word by word, and does not require any foundation of Chinese studies, but it is very good for people to grasp the essence of the 64 hexagrams in the Yijing, the hexagram words, hexagram images and six lines, and actually use them in life.

What You Will Learn!

  • 了解中國哲學根本,讀懂易經說什麼
  • 深入易經完整64卦之3-屯卦 4-蒙卦 5-需卦 6-訟卦 7-師卦 8-比卦,六卦詳解
  • 易經有三易,即不易、簡易、變易。透過學習易經能理解天地運行之道
  • 開啟易經自學與實踐之道,找到內在生命的力量

Who Should Attend!

  • 對中國哲學、易經、對自我成長有興趣的學習者