黄帝内经 :阴阳学说 (哲学观与应用)


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你也会发现,许多科学家, 尤其是西医,无法完整解释的现象,如疾病,应用了“阴阳”的概念,你会惊讶的说:“Wow, 原来就是这么的简单”。





(這是黃帝內經另一個課程。 課程是關於 “阴阳学说(哲学观与应用)“虽然本系列的所有课程都是相互关联的,但本课程可以先自学)。

Many people have heard the term "Yin and Yang" and most people think that "Yin and Yang" belongs to the thinking of ancient people and has nothing to do with our today's life.

In fact, "Yin and Yang" is a broad concept and a philosophy. When you understand this concept deeply, you will find that "Yin and Yang" is alive in every part and every detail of our lives.

You will find that many scientists, especially western medicine, could not adequately explain many phenomena, especially on diseases. But with the application of "Yin and Yang", you will be surprised to say: "Wow, it turns out to be so simple."

More interestingly, after you understand " it turns out to be so simple.", you will know how to take actions to make improvement.

In this video course, we discuss the source of the concept of "Yin and Yang", how it came about, how the ancient sages observed everything in the universe and applied the "Yin and Yang" thinking model", and from the concept of "Yin and Yang", how the ancients established a set of rules and principles to understand the changes of everything, especially concerning diseases, and apply these theories to improve and regulate, in order to achieve "Yin Yang" balance, thus attaining health of body and mind.

Ancient sages said, "Balancing Yin and Yang achieves harmony and optimal health."

We use many events in daily life to bring out the application and understanding of the Yin Yang theory.

(This is another video course of the series of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic courses. This series of 6 courses are inter-related. However you can take up this course to start learning first).

What You Will Learn!

  • 欣赏古代先贤如何仔细观察宇宙,结论为人和宇宙是个整体,为我们提供了一个“天人和一"的哲学。
  • 古人意识到有两种相反的力量可以相互平衡以实现和谐,达到“天人和一"的境界。
  • 这两种相反的力量,古人称之为阴阳。
  • 阴阳概念如何能让我们更了解一切事情的发生,变化。也让我们更能知道如何应付,调理,达到我们理想的身心灵健康。
  • 培养更大的动力和好奇心,深入探索生活的奥秘,获取知识,实践健康。

Who Should Attend!

  • 坚信还有对自己的生命有更多的知识需要认识。
  • 熱愛生命,追求幸福,發揮本有的無限潛能。
  • 對身心靈健康和宇宙充满好奇。
  • 尽管當下面临挑战,表现不佳,或有疾病,决定学习天天養生,以实现全面健康。