Yoga for Back Pain & Inflammation

Holistic Yoga to end back problems

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Chronic back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The good news is that in most cases therapeutic yoga can help decrease pain and protect your back from further injury.

Through the practice of yoga, we can find complete relief. I myself was a back pain sufferer and with the wonderful yogic techniques shared in this program, my back was supple and pain-free in a few weeks.

In this course, I will guide you through exercises that are simple and put together in the form of three doable routines. Yogic poses are diverse to target all muscles, primary and supporting, restoring your mobility and movement.

Mental agony cannot be ignored as part of this disabling condition, thus you will de-stress through savasana (yogic relaxation). The program has sweet bonuses, which include a PDF document for healing and bone-nourishing foods, a video on your spine’s vitality, and the importance of correct breathing techniques.

The Course offers exercise routines that suit your busy schedule

It can be done in the comfort of your own home, regardless of your fitness level. You are advised to gradually increase the intensity.

How it works:

You will receive three effective yoga routines. The yoga postures in each routine are explained in short tutorials. The routines help to

· loosen tight muscles

· increase blood flow to the affected area

· increase the range of motion of the 33 joints in the spine

What to expect: There are three routines under Pain Management Stage. The exercises are gentle and dynamic. Each routine is accompanied by individual exercise/pose tutorials for a comprehensive explanation of the exercise/pose.

Intensity: No exertion - Mild

How Often: 3 to 4 times a week the routines can be practiced.

What You Will Learn!

  • Restore your spine’s complete health
  • Cure back pain safely
  • Time saving program
  • Cost effective, saving you trips to doctors
  • De-stress & relax

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone & Everyone
  • Back pain sufferers
  • People who want to prevent back ache due to sedentary life, obesity, occupation involving standing for long hours, sitting at desk or car, lifting heavy weights;
  • Yoga teachers or physical trainers or Athletes
  • Suitable for all ages