Yoga @ Home with Meta - Immersion for Beginners and Beyond

Learn yoga 30 minutes a day with poses, teachings for meditation, breathing, philosophy, chai tea. Beginners welcome.

Ratings: 4.76 / 5.00


This 4 week yoga immersion course offers you a way to learn yoga in the truest sense, poses and philosophy, how to live your life in yoga, not just a pose on a mat. 

The way to actually learn yoga is to do the same poses day after day for a period. Then you can learn how your body responds to the physical poses, you can relax and watch your mind in the calm of knowing what comes next, and you can grow with the pose on many levels.

The pose sequence for the class is exactly the same for each day of that commitment, with additional teachings and support offered each day. The course is designed for practicing poses for six days and on the seventh, you'll rest the body and energize your mind with teachings of philosophy, yoga off the mat and even a bit of yoga cooking.

Learning yoga is like learning a language, daily practice is much better than cramming before an exam. 

This level is called Juniper as steady, slow growing, connected to earth and sky, always green, and a hardy practice. All levels are welcome.

In addition to the daily 30 minute practice, each day includes a video teaching on a yoga topic with related reading materials. The topics include how to watch your thoughts and notice negative self-talk, how to incorporate yoga in your daily life, how to practice yoga breathing techniques and how to meditate wherever you are.

You will need to have a yoga mat, a space in your house that is at least enough enough for the mat. If you have yoga blocks, that would be helpful, but if not, you can use books or a chair. Come to the 30 minute pose practice with an empty stomach and open mind. The best time to practice is first thing in the morning, but whenever you can make it to your mat, that is the time for you. You watch the philosophy video and read the material anytime during the day, perhaps just before you practice the poses, or alternatively, just before you go to bed.

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn to do yoga poses, working your edge of intensity
  • Build strength, flexibility and balance in your body
  • Learn to listen to you body and watch your mind
  • Learn simple meditation techniques you can take off the mat and into your life
  • Learn breathing practices to calm your mind and expand your breath
  • Learn basic yoga philosophy of practice and non attachment
  • Learn to take care of yourself day by day
  • Learn simple chanting techniques
  • Learn how to practice nonviolence toward yourself
  • Learn core strength and bandha practices
  • Learn the importance of intention or sankalpa

Who Should Attend!

  • Have little or no yoga experience
  • Have Lots of yoga experience and like to move slower and more deeply
  • Haven’t done much exercise lately and want to start slower
  • Want more detailed instruction including the use of props
  • Are working with injury or recovery challenge (and have been released by medical care providers to practice yoga)
  • Would like a softer practice
  • All levels welcome