Yoga Philosophy: 8 Steps to Enlightenment

Learn, flow and practise the 8 steps or 'limbs' of yoga in this introductory philosophy course.

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Yoga is the union of mind, body and soul. It is often thought of as the physical practice, moving through different yoga postures - however, this is only one element of yoga.  During this course, we’ll explore more about what yoga is, the benefits of yoga and yoga philosophy, with a specific focus on the 8 limbs of yoga. This course also includes practical classes you can practise along with, so you can put your knowledge into practice with guided yoga flows, breathwork and meditation sessions too.

You don't need any previous yoga experience, or any special equipment - simply show up with your body and your breath (and maybe a notebook to make notes on your learnings) and I'll guide you through the rest. The practical yoga and breathwork classes are designed at an open level, meaning that they can be done by complete beginners or more experienced yoga practitioners. Different options are provided for postures in the yoga class, depending on your experience level and your own personal body.

What are the benefits of yoga?

Yoga, a centuries-old practice, offers a plethora of benefits that extend beyond the physical realm. When you engage in regular yoga practice, you embark on a transformative journey that enhances your overall wellbeing.

- Improving Sleep: Yoga is renowned for its ability to promote restful and rejuvenating sleep. Through the incorporation of mindful breathing and relaxation techniques, yoga assists in quieting the mind and calming the nervous system. As a result, it becomes easier to drift into deep, uninterrupted slumber, leaving you feeling refreshed upon waking.

- Reducing Stress and Anxiety: One of the most cherished advantages of yoga is its capacity to reduce stress and anxiety. By encouraging mindfulness and the release of tension, yoga fosters a sense of inner tranquility and emotional equilibrium. The meditative aspects of the practice provide valuable tools for managing life's pressures, ultimately promoting mental wellbeing.

- Increasing Strength, Control, and Muscle Endurance: The physical aspect of yoga is equally rewarding. Regular practice enhances muscle strength, control, and endurance. Various yoga poses require you to engage different muscle groups, effectively toning and strengthening your body. Over time, you'll notice improved flexibility and balance, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall physical performance.

- Releasing Physical Tension and Alleviating Achy Muscles: Yoga serves as a therapeutic remedy for releasing physical tension and alleviating achy muscles. The deliberate stretching and relaxation techniques employed in yoga can target specific areas of discomfort, promoting relaxation and healing. It's an excellent way to relieve muscle soreness and increase flexibility.

- Increasing Body Awareness: Yoga cultivates a heightened sense of body awareness. Through mindful movement and breath awareness, you become attuned to your body's needs and signals. This awareness extends beyond the mat, helping you make healthier lifestyle choices and fostering a greater sense of self-care.

- Feeling More Connected to Your Body and Mind: Ultimately, yoga facilitates a profound connection between your body and mind. As you progress in your practice, you'll experience a deep sense of unity and harmony within yourself. This connection transcends the physical and mental realms, leading to a more holistic and fulfilling life.

If you have any questions about the course, take a look at the preview videos and feel free to get in touch!

What You Will Learn!

  • Develop your understanding of Yoga Philosophy with this introductory course
  • Learn about each of the 8 Limbs of Yoga and how to incorporate them into your life
  • Enjoy practical sessions including a yoga flow, breathwork session and guided meditation
  • Reflect on how you can apply yoga philosophy to connect or re-connect to yourself and your inner peace

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for people with an interest in yoga philosophy or a desire to learn more