Your career coaching!

Take control and succeed on your own terms!

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In this interactive course I guide you through the different steps of career planning: 

  • create your career strategy by focussing on your strenght and long term targets in private and business

  • systematically develop the skills you enjoy and need for growing into the positions that you foresee for yourself

  • craft your jobs in a way that you can do more of what fascinates you and do less of what you detest

  • identify your personal value proposition and build your personal brand around that

  • expand your professional network by reaching out to people that can help you in your personal and career development

  • how to overcome roadblocks and problems during the journey

Career coaching can help you land the job you have always wanted, get a promotion or  start your own business.

It can help you to achieve the results you have been hoping for in much shorter time, because you will have a roadmap how to move towards your target.

Here some tips for successful learning:

  • This course is practical so get a pen and paper ready!

  • Don´t rush through the videos. Better do the course step by step and allow the questions and assignements to sink in!

  • Interact with other learners in the comment section and ´seekers´ to share experience and learn from each other

What You Will Learn!

  • identify what you really need and want in your job
  • work out a strategy to steer your career into the desired direction
  • be more satisfied on the job because you focus on what fascinates you
  • build your network of supporters that can propel you forward

Who Should Attend!

  • Everybody who wants to take control of your career and development