Youtube Marketing & SEO 2021: Ultimate Youtube Growth Plan

Youtube Marketing & SEO Mastery - Grow Channel, Gain Subscribers, Go Viral, Add Influence, Leverage Channel With Ads

Ratings: 4.29 / 5.00



Youtube Marketing & SEO 2021: Ultimate Channel Growth Boost is a course, that will show you the exact strategy on how you can grow your channel by applying real-world marketing strategies used by Youtube influencers every single day.
I'm pretty sure you want to grow your Youtube channel fast!
So you're in the right place.
You want more views, comments & engagement.
And of course, likes ;)
If so - this course is a great fit for you.
I know how to achieve that, and I want to share this knowledge with you!
Youtube Marketing & SEO 2021 course contains great Youtube marketing tips for business - if you want to sell your goods or services it will show you exactly how to do that. 

I'll explain how people make buying decisions on Youtube and how you can speed up this process.

You'll discover different strategies for Youtube Channels that gave me and my clients amazing results in 2020, and also ones that will be trending in 2021.

This course will cover up different apps and services for Youtube marketing which will simplify the processes of content creation, curation, and distribution for you.

You'll learn how to automate all the processes starting with creating a content plan to creating actual content and marketing it to your audience through videos.

Also, you'll get a few Mindmap downloads - checklists, templates, and cheat sheets to get you up and running.

We will cover the differences between Youtube for business and for personal channels, talk about collaborations with influencers, and I'll explain how to gain Youtube channel subscribers organically.

And most importantly you'll see in action how to attract hyper-targeted video views, convert these people to paying customers and expand your brand with Youtube.

What You Will Learn!

  • Know how to boost video engagement signals
  • Use TAB formula for video tags
  • Know how to create great thumbnails
  • Know how to write amazing titles & descriptions
  • Know how to increase audience retention
  • Get a step-by-step workflow for creating high quality videos
  • Know how to constantly get new subscribers by implementing SEO & marketing strategies

Who Should Attend!

  • Everyone who wants to know how Youtube SEO & ranking works and how to improve it in your videos
  • Everyone starting Youtube channel
  • People, who want to know how Youtube rank videos on their platform
  • Everyone who wants to improve the quality of their Youtube channel
  • People, who want to optimize their older videos, and give them a "new breathe"
  • People, who want to leverage their Youtube channel marketing