

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00


课程内容经过国际认证,你学完可以取得国际认证(额外问灰灰)。目前全世界对自恋型人格障碍的研究和科普都不够,传统心理咨询师不能进行心理治疗,而传统心理治疗师没有受过专业的NPD培训,精神科医生基本没有几个是NPD方向的专家。此外,全世界的法律也都不足以保护我们普通人免受NPD伤害,而且就算你能胜诉,法律只能在你遭受了重大损失和痛苦之后给与你根本无法弥补你精神创伤的少量赔偿,而你自己懂得这个专业知识就可以识别和自我保护。网上关于NPD的内容通常比较夸大,并且混乱,如果你想学席专业的NPD系统知识,教育或保护自己的孩子,或者获得国际认证成为凤毛麟角的NPD虐待创伤心理治疗师,或者加入科普这种学校学不到的实用知识的事业中来,可以私信问灰灰。The content of the course "Systematic Learning of Narcissistic Emotional Abuse" has been accredited by CTAA, and you can obtain accreditation after passing an exam. At present, there is insufficient research and teaching of narcissistic personality disorder around the world. Traditional psychological counselors cannot provide psychological treatment, and traditional psychotherapists have not received professional NPD training. There are basically few psychiatrists who are experts in the field of NPD. In addition, the laws around the world are not enough to protect ordinary people from NPD's emotional abuse. Even if you can win the lawsuit, the law can only give you a small amount of compensation that cannot compensate for your mental trauma after you have suffered heavy losses and pain. If you understand the professional knowledge, you can identify and protect yourself. The content about NPD on the Internet is usually exaggerated and confusing. If you want to learn professional knowledge about the NPD system, educate or protect your children, or obtain international accreditation to become a rare NPD abuse trauma psychotherapist, you can study this course and then contact Hui Hui to learn how to be accredited. This is a good opportunity to be armed with practical knowledge that you cannot learn from school.

What You Will Learn!

  • 学会自己判断自恋型人格障碍
  • 自恋父母养大的孩子重新养育自己
  • 通过考试可以取得国际认证自恋虐待创伤心理治疗师资格
  • 增强自我意识、划清人际边界、获得自由、安宁、平静和幸福的新生活

Who Should Attend!

  • 自恋虐待创伤受害者和幸存者
  • 自恋父母养大的孩子需要获得知情权
  • 对自恋型人格障碍和边缘型人格障碍有学习兴趣的人
  • 任何想要学习自恋型人格障碍和自恋虐待创伤专业知识的人