Social Sciences > > Governance and Society
Introduction aux Droits de l’Homme
Ce cours propose une introduction à la protection internationale des droits de l’homme. Il en présen...
International Law In Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes
‘Investigating and Prosecuting International Crimes’ is the second course in Leiden University’s new...
Global Energy and Climate Policy
The Global Energy and Climate Policy course offers an introduction to the theoretical and practical...
Framework for Data Collection and Analysis
This course will provide you with an overview over existing data products and a good understanding o...
European Citizenship – Development, Scope, and Challenges
All citizens in the EU are granted a European Citizenship on top of their national citizenship. Whic...
English for Journalism
Welcome to English for Journalism, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by...
Données et Gouvernance Urbaine
Depuis le milieu des années 2000, les données ont fait une entrée fracassante dans le champ urbain,...
Diseño de proyectos de gobierno digital
En este curso podrás conocer buenas prácticas para el diseño de proyectos de gobierno digital y tran...
Designing and Building Institutional Anti-Racist Spaces
Designing and Building Institutional Antiracist Spaces (D-BIAS) is a course whose mission is to teac...
DDHH y democracia: una visión desde América Latina
Este curso busca desarrollar competencias y promover nuevos liderazgos y ciudadanías activas en defe...
Cross-border road transport in EU law context
Have you ever wondered which legal rules are applicable to cross-border EU road transport? Are you i...
Conceptos básicos para la igualdad de género
En este curso apreciarás la importancia de que la igualdad de género transforme tus relaciones inter...
Comparative Political Systems
Comparative politics covers a wide variety of topics and themes. The course starts with the definiti...
Classical Sociological Theory
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will offer the participants an introduction into the most imp...
Ciudades en crisis y nuevas políticas urbanas
Las ciudades se han convertido en un foco de interés preferente para el análisis de políticas públic...