Social Sciences > > Governance and Society

Citizenship and the Rule of Law

"Be you so high, the law is above you." This principle, part of the Rule of Law, has come to represe...

Chinese Politics Part 1 – China and Political Science

This course offers a conceptual framework for understanding China that highlights the intersection o...

Business Strategies for Social Impact

When is it good business practice to invest for social good? What are the most innovative and effect...

Being Smart about Cycling Futures

What is the future of cycling in our cities that struggle to transition to more sustainable and incl...

Attracting and Sourcing Diverse Candidates

It is during the shortlisting and interviewing processes, which are typically undertaken by a single...

Arts and Culture Strategy

Arts and culture leaders have a tough but rewarding task: creating and leading sustainable organizat...

Administración ágil de proyectos

En este curso identificarás cuáles son los elementos más importantes en la dirección de proyectos, e...

A starter’s guide to Open Science

Welcome to the Erasmus University Rotterdam Open Science MOOC! This course aims to empower researche...